Moulinex AD7217(1) BLENDER TURBO BLENDER ELECTRONIC Kleine Haushaltsgeräte Ersatzteile und Zubehör Ratgeber Tipps und Tricks

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Was bedeutet die Fehlermeldung von meinem Kenwood Gerät?

KENWOOD Fehlermeldungen


01 Actuator / Pawl 32 Fan 63 P.C.B holder / support
02 Advice sheets 33 Foot 64 P.C.B. board
03 Base (Bottom Cover) 34 Foreign body 65 Part / parts missing
04 Bearing 35 Front cover 66 Plug
05 Belt 36 Gasket 67 Plug fuse
06 Blade Assy 37 Gears / drive train 68 Printing / logo / legend
07 Body 38 Goblet / liquidiser 69 Rear cover
08 Body – Lower 39 Goblet / liquidiser base 70 Recipe book
09 Body – Upper 40 Grommet 71 Resistor
10 Bowl / container 41 Handle Assy 72 Safety interlock switch
11 Bowl release mechanism 42 Handle – lower 73 Screw – internal fixing / securing
12 Box (Carton) 43 Handle – upper 74 Screw – external fixing / securing
13 Box fitments 44 Instructions 75 Sealing ring
14 Cam 45 Internal wiring 76 Shaft / spindle
15 Capacitor 46 L.E.D. / lamp 77 Stand
16 Cartridge (Waterfilter) 47 Lid 78 Support insert
17 Cartridge (Air cleaner) 48 Line assembly fault 79 Switch
18 Circlip 49 Magnet 80 Switch knob
19 Cleaning tool / brush 50 Mains lead 81 Switch panel
20 Contacts 51 Microswitch 82 Terminal block / connector block
21 Control knob (Speed) 52 Motor armature assy 83 Thermal fuse
22 Cord grommet 53 Motor brushes 84 Thermostat
23 Cord storage 54 Motor complete assy 85 Thrust race
24 Cover 55 Motor field assy / bobbin assy 86 Wall bracket
25 Cutter / cruciform 56 Motor housing / cover 87 Washer – fibre
26 Diode 57 Neon lens 88 Washer – metal
27 Drive coupling (Driver part) 58 Non stick coating (Teflon) 89 Water tank
28 Drive coupling (Driven part) 59 Nut    
29 Drive shaft 60 On / off switch 98 No fault found
30 Educate customer 61 Outlet cover 99 Miscellaneous fault
31 Element 62 Paint finish    


101 Attachment – Chef 115 Gear – vertical assy 129 Sieve basket
102 Attachment – Processor 116 Hopper 130 Sieve disc
103 Beater 117 Kneader 131 Stand assy
104 Blade carrier 118 Latch 132 Stirrup
105 Bowl mounting pad 119 Latch spring 133 Switch actuator
106 Drum assy 120 Measuring jug 134 Switch rod
107 Ejector button 121 Piston assy 135 Tacho assy
108 Ejector spring 122 Pivot pin 136 Tool – Dough tool
109 Fixing tool (Spanner etc) 123 Planet gear / planet hub assy 137 Tool – K beater
110 Food pusher 124 Plate 138 Tool – Processor
111 Gear – input assy 125 Pulley – large 139 Tool – Spatular
112 Gear – intermediate assy 126 Pulley – small 140 Tool – Whisk
113 Gear – output shaft assy 127 Screen 141 Valve assy
114 Gear – penultimate assy 128 Scroll 142 Wiper arm assy


150 Anti drip valve assy 166 Foam pads 182 Oven shelf
151 Basket 167 Gear – worm 183 Oven tray
152 Basket with handle assy 168 Glass door assy 184 Permanent filter
153 Bread support bar 169 Handle – Plunger 185 Probe assy
154 Bun rack assy 170 Handle / foot assy 186 Pump
155 Carafe assy 171 Heat shield 187 Pump support
156 Carafe handle 172 Heater assy 188 Sight tube
157 Carafe lid 173 Hose clamp 189 Spout
158 Carriage 174 Hose spring 190 Tile
159 Chassis 175 Hose / silicone tube / pipe 191 Timer assy / module
160 Condensation tray 176 Inlet moulding 192 Toast switch plate
161 Cordless base assy 177 Kettle control unit 193 Top plate
162 Crock pot 178 Lid filter 194 Warming plate / hot plate assy
163 Crumb tray 179 Mechanism 195 Window frame
164 Filter basket 180 O ring 196 Window glass
165 Filter cartridge 181 Oven pan    


200 Button – spray / steam 204 Pulp container 208 Spray nozzle
201 Grinding cone 205 Reamer – head 209 Strainer
202 Grinding ring 206 Reamer – shaft 210 Switch – dual voltage
203 Food guide 207 Sole plate    


250 Foil guard 252 Hair dryer – mini diffuser 254 Hair dryer – pouch
251 Hair dryer - concentrator 253 Hair dryer – mushroom diffuser 255 Hard case


AA Airlock AS Display model (Shop display) BK Speed incorrect
AB Alignment AT Distorted / dented BL Spinning
AC Bad taste AU Discoloured BM Spitting
AD Bad pouring AV Dry joint BN Split
AE Blocked AW Failed BO Spraying
AF Blunt AX General cause code BP Stained / dirty
AG Broken AY Leak BQ Sticking
AH Calibration AZ Line assembly fault BR Stripped
AJ Chalk / calcium carbonate BA Loose BS Torn
AK Chipped / scratched BB Melting BT Transit damage
AL Cleaning BC No spares BU Too cold
AM Colour mismatch BD Noisy BV Too hot / overheated
AN Condensation BE Open circuit BW Water damage
AO Corrosion BF Parts missing BX Worn
AP Cracked BG Rusty    
AQ Customer abuse BH Seized / tight ZZ Product recall
AR Damaged BJ Short circuit